Write the summary of the phylter analysis in a txt file or as a pdf report.
file = "",
include.discarded = TRUE,
pdfreport = FALSE,
pdfreport.file = "report.pdf"
- x
The object returned by the 'phylter()' function.
- file
Name of the file where to write the text summary of the phylter output. If
(the default),write.phylyer()
prints to the standard output.- include.discarded
Logical. If TRUE (the default) the elements discarded before the analysis are still in the list of Outliers in the output. Useful for cleaning datasets after a phylter analysis.
- pdfreport
Logical. Should a full report of the phylter analysis
- pdfreport.file
, name of the pdf file where the report is written. Default toreport.pdf
res <- phylter(carnivora, parallel = FALSE)
#> Number of Genes: 125
#> Number of Species: 53
#> --------
#> Initial score: 0.86235
#> 28 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.90272 -> OK
#> 18 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.90833 -> OK
#> 16 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.91501 -> OK
#> 18 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.92561 -> OK
#> 5 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.93404 -> OK
#> 4 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.93692 -> OK
#> 2 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.93712 -> OK
#> 1 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.94392 -> OK
#> 1 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.94417 -> OK
#> 1 new cells to remove -> New score: 0.94426 -> OK
#> => No more outliers detected -> Checking for complete gene outliers
#> => No more outliers detected -> STOPPING OPTIMIZATION
#> --------
#> Total number of outliers detected: 94
#> Number of complete gene outliers : 0
#> Number of complete species outliers : 0
#> Gain (concordance between matrices): 8.19%
#> Loss (data filtering): 1.42%
# write a full report to the standard output
#> #
#> # -- phylter v. 0.9.12 --
#> # Tue Mar 4 15:24:49 2025
#> #
#> #
#> #
#> #
#> # bvalue=0
#> # distance=patristic
#> # k=3
#> # k2=3
#> # Norm=median
#> # Norm.cutoff=0.001
#> # test.island=TRUE
#> # verbose=TRUE
#> # stop.criteria=1e-05
#> # InitialOnly=FALSE
#> # normalizeby=row
#> #
#> #
#> # Initial number of genes passed to phylter: 125
#> # Number of genes discarded before the analysis: 0
#> # Genes discarded:
#> #
#> #
#> # Number of genes analyzed: 125
#> # Number of species analyzed: 53
#> # Total number of outliers detected: 94
#> # Number of complete gene outliers : 0
#> # Number of complete species outliers : 0
#> # Initial score of the compromise: 0.862353534028202
#> # Final score of the compromise: 0.944259987303489
#> # Gain: 8.19%
#> # Loss (data filtering): 1.42%
#> #
#> # OUTLIERS (including discarded elements, if any)
#> #
#> # Genes Species
#> ENSG00000005381_MPO Arctocephalus_gazella
#> ENSG00000005381_MPO Ursus_maritimus
#> ENSG00000005381_MPO Ailurus_fulgens
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Panthera_tigris
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Mustela_putorius
#> ENSG00000114686_MRPL3 Procyon_lotor
#> ENSG00000116157_GPX7 Vulpes_vulpes
#> ENSG00000116761_CTH Otocyon_megalotis
#> ENSG00000120053_GOT1 Phoca_vitulina
#> ENSG00000120053_GOT1 Gulo_gulo
#> ENSG00000123307_NEUROD4 Arctocephalus_gazella
#> ENSG00000132254_ARFIP2 Panthera_leo
#> ENSG00000132254_ARFIP2 Odobenus_rosmarus
#> ENSG00000132254_ARFIP2 Felis_catus
#> ENSG00000132254_ARFIP2 Arctocephalus_gazella
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Hyaena_hyaena
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Pteronura_brasiliensis
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Neovison_vison
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Eumetopias_jubatus
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Cryptoprocta_ferox
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Panthera_tigris
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Phoca_vitulina
#> ENSG00000134240_HMGCS2 Gulo_gulo
#> ENSG00000134240_HMGCS2 Spilogale_gracilis
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Taxidea_taxus
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Lutra_lutra
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Potos_flavus
#> ENSG00000149573_MPZL2 Paradoxurus_hermaphroditus
#> ENSG00000073111_MCM2 Paradoxurus_hermaphroditus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Manis_javanica
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Acinonyx_jubatus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Panthera_pardus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Leptonychotes_weddellii
#> ENSG00000114686_MRPL3 Arctocephalus_gazella
#> ENSG00000116157_GPX7 Canis_familiaris
#> ENSG00000116157_GPX7 Otocyon_megalotis
#> ENSG00000116761_CTH Vulpes_vulpes
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Enhydra_lutris
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Crocuta_Crocuta
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Arctocephalus_gazella
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Zalophus_californianus
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Ursus_americanus
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Mustela_putorius
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Mellivora_capensis
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Paradoxurus_hermaphroditus
#> ENSG00000149573_MPZL2 Mungos_mungo
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Panthera_onca
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Felis_catus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Enhydra_lutris
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Ailuropoda_melanoleuca
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Odobenus_rosmarus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Paradoxurus_hermaphroditus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Neofelis_nebulosa
#> ENSG00000114686_MRPL3 Taxidea_taxus
#> ENSG00000116157_GPX7 Lycaon_pictus
#> ENSG00000132693_CRP Lutra_lutra
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Procyon_lotor
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Enhydra_lutris
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Nasua_narica
#> ENSG00000144355_DLX1 Acinonyx_jubatus
#> ENSG00000149573_MPZL2 Suricata_suricatta
#> ENSG00000149573_MPZL2 Helogale_parvula
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Lynx_pardinus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Gulo_gulo
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Ursus_maritimus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Eumetopias_jubatus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Neomonachus_schauinslandi
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Potos_flavus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Panthera_leo
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Prionailurus_bengalensis
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Canis_familiaris
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Neovison_vison
#> ENSG00000114686_MRPL3 Pteronura_brasiliensis
#> ENSG00000116761_CTH Canis_familiaris
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Mellivora_capensis
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Acinonyx_jubatus
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Gulo_gulo
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Neovison_vison
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Gulo_gulo
#> ENSG00000149573_MPZL2 Cryptoprocta_ferox
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Lynx_canadensis
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Zalophus_californianus
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Mirounga_angustirostris
#> ENSG00000133135_RNF128 Pteronura_brasiliensis
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Otocyon_megalotis
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Puma_concolor
#> ENSG00000106511_MEOX2 Callorhinus_ursinus
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Vulpes_vulpes
#> ENSG00000143196_DPT Ailurus_fulgens
#> ENSG00000138675_FGF5 Pteronura_brasiliensis
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Lycaon_pictus
#> ENSG00000143125_PROK1 Manis_javanica
#> ENSG00000116761_CTH Lycaon_pictus
#> ENSG00000143196_DPT Taxidea_taxus